I recently acquired an original Williams Paddle-Ball control panel. I was thrilled to get this, as parts for Paddle-Ball are virtually non-existent. Besides my game, I know of only one other. I plan on mounting the control panel on a plaque along with a copy of the flyer as well as a brief history of the game.
A chance purchase of a Super Chexx Hockey game eventually led to the creation of Tranquility Base Arcade. I played video games during the 1970's and early 1980's and was always in awe of the “cutting edge technology” which I tried to duplicate at home by buying an Atari 2600 and then an Atari 800. Even with the home units it was still a special thrill when I had a few quarters to spend and walked into an arcade to play the "real games." They always seemed larger than life. Fast forward through college, marriage, kids, etc. and I had long forgotten the special memories I had of that period. A single quarter drop into my newly acquired Super Chexx game and I was instantly transported back to that era. It was like I had just inserted a quarter into a time machine. Join me on my journey of recreating a small part of my childhood through the construction and continued maintenance of Tranquility Base Arcade.
I have a Master's Degree in Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a mechanical engineering career that spans over 35 years. I hold multiple U.S. Patents, was a Nationals winner at powerboat racing and a former Vice Chairman in the APBA yet I have never strayed too far from my childhood love of the NASA Space Program and video games.
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