2025 started with Tranquility Base Arcade tackling Battlezone board sets for back up and for friends who were having issues with theirs as well. Through the years I have always regarded Battlezone PCB’s as ‘difficult to work on’ especially with faults from the AUX PCB. With improved bench capabilities the last 5 years I started 2025 with renewed optimism to repair all the Battlezone boards piling up at the Repair Station! After a lengthy repair process for each board I’m happy to report “They all have been saved!” The FPGA and my old KK Signature II along with a special SA harness were key to completing the repairs. I have created a special link to summarize each of the board repairs in order to provide assistance to anyone working on a Battlezone boardset. A new link has been added to the Repair Station page or you can simply click
here. Bring on the Super Tank as I’m ready to battle again!